

Dear Company

Company Limited Vung Ro Port respectfully send greetings to your customers, wish you success in your business operation of their production.

Our clients come to us is an honor to meet the information part, we would like to inform some areas of activity and services which, we hope that with the following areas we can better serve the requirements of customers.

     Agents, Brokers and abroad;
     Import and export business, domestic trade and trust services;
     Management, port operation.

The company is pleased to welcome customers.

For further information please contact us directly by phone or at the following address:

Vung Ro Port Company Limited
225 Hung Vuong, Tuy Hoa, Phu Yen Province
Tel: 0257.3820312 - 3828039
Fax: 0257.3823703

Thank the interest of your company.

Good success.